Morgan Pennings
Since childhood, I had dreams of changing the world, wielding nothing but a paintbrush. Those early aspirations set me on a path of creativity, curiosity, and a passion for social justice. 
As I pursued my artistic interests in school, I was equally drawn to history and social justice issues. I started college on a transformative journey through the Gap Experience Program at St. Norbert College. This pivotal experience allowed me to spend my first semester of college traveling the United States and St. Lucia while immersing myself in leadership development, diverse cultures, and pressing social concerns.
Today, my creative vision has evolved far beyond that of the young girl clutching a paintbrush. While my love for painting and drawing endures, I have expanded my artistic horizons to encompass photography, design, and a myriad of other mediums. My work bears the indelible marks of my education experiences, both in the classroom and in my immersive studies in Florence, Italy. 
My artistic mission centers around shedding light on real-world problems and presenting them in engaging and thought-provoking ways. Now, I navigate the professional world of marketing while also pursuing freelance opportunities which allow me to integrate all my many talents. 
If you find yourself in need of artistic services, I invite you to reach out. Let's connect and embark on a creative journey together. Your vision, my skills—we can make a difference.
Thank you!